If you've got a little time and want to explore a little outside of Saint Cloud here are some fun close by places to visit.
*Amaze'N Farmyard Fun farm animals and maze and more. Eden Valley on Hwy. 55 320-453-6901 amazenfarmyard.com
*Charles A. Lindbergh State Park, Charles Lindbergh House and Museum. Little Falls. mnhs.org/lindbergh Park 320-616-2525 House 320-616-5421
*Clear Waters Outfitting Company Clearwater. Spend a day on the Mississippi. 320-558-8123 cwoutfitting.com
*Hemker Park & Zoo Freeport. Zoo with some exotic animals. 320-836-2426 hemkerzoo.com
*Lake Wobegon Regional Trail. Hiking, Biking and Rollerblading. lakewobegontrails.com
*Art and Heritage Place St. Joseph. Museum, gallery and gift shop with handmade gifts by the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict. 320-363-7100 sbm.osb.org
*Two Rivers Campground and Tubing. 18 miles north of St. Cloud. 320-584-5125 tworiverscampground.net
*St.John's Abbey & University Nature Trail. 12 miles of trail through prairie, forest and wetlands. Prairie and wetlands boardwalk. 320-363-3163 csbsju.edu/arboretum
*El Rancho Manana Campground and Riding Stable. Near Richmond. Horseback riding, hayrides, camping and mountain bike trails. call for reservations 320-597-2740 CAMPelrancho.com
*Rum River Barn & Vineyard. Milaca. 612-801-0546 rumriverbarn.com